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High Desert Gems & Minerals

Visit Spectrum  Oregon Sunstone

Spectrum Sunstone Mine is open daily; 
For more info click the link:

Digging test hole

Gemstone excavation

Buckets of very high-grade sunstone bearing ore are available by mail.
$100 per 5 gallon bucket (plus $40 shipping, prices vary for out of country).
contact us

Spectrum Sunstone Mine
P.O. Box 38
Plush, OR  97637

S P E C T R U M  S U N S E T

(found by Chris Rose, Spectrum Sunstone Mines)
This red sunstone now holds the record for the world’s largest faceted red Oregon sunstone, 81.25 carats.

Faceted by John Baily.

Screening for Oregon sunstone

Sunstone Gem Digging

i n f o @
h i g h d e s e r t g e m s a n d m i n e r a l s
. c o m

Call or text:

Chris Rose        (775) 772-7724
Denise Olson    (775) 225-4245

Spectrum Sunstone Mine
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 Day Trip to the Spectrum Sunstone Mine

Dig For Gems - Spectrum Mine
faceted blood red oregon sunstone

Faceted Oregon Sunstone
a.k.a. red labradorite

High Desert Gems & Minerals welcomes you to the famous Spectrum Sunstone Mine.   As seen on the Travel Channel’s CASH & TREASURES show:  Spectrum Sunstone Mine is open to the public for Oregon Sunstone gemstone fee digging, see Dig Gemstones - Spectrum Mine.

High Desert Gems & Minerals currently owns over 40 sunstone mining claims in Plush, Oregon. We are very active in prospecting and exploring the Plush sunstone area for new sunstone deposits and have discovered more Oregon Sunstone mines than any other company in the world. Recently, Chris Rose, Jessica Schenk and the rest of the crew discovered several new and exciting red and green sunstones of exceptional quality. Some of our recent discoveries include the world famous Northern Lights Mine, Blue Sage Mine, Work Um Hard Mine among others. We now have 11 properties currently producing red and green Oregon sunstones, more than any other mining company.  The nerve center and home base of our sunstone mining and exploration is the Spectrum Sunstone Mine.

Spectrum Mine is a 20 acre privately owned patented mining claim located 27 miles northeast of Plush, OR. Once owned by Tiffany’s of New York, it is Oregon’s first commercially operated Oregon sunstone mine. Also, it is one of the richest color Oregon sunstone deposits in the world, producing up to one kilo of colored sunstones per cubic yard of dirt. In June of 2004 Chris Rose, owner of Spectrum Mine, found a single pocket that contained � kilo of red labradorite sunstone.

Sherris Cottier Shank carving

Carved Oregon sunstone

As a direct result of this claim Oregon Sunstones were legally declared a gemstone by the federal government in the 1970’s and then became the official state gemstone of Oregon in 1987. Oregon is the only place in the world where these rare red labradorite gemstones can be found. These relatively inexpensive gems come in red, green, watermelon, dichroic, schiller, clear, and even blue and purple. Most valuable are the red, green, dichroic (changes color from side-to-side) and color-change (changes color under different lighting conditions).

Oregon Sunstones are plagioclase feldspar formed in lava flows that cover much of southeastern Oregon. Within the lava flow is a matrix in which the colored sunstones are found. The sunstone flow is usually (not always) covered by a hard cap-rock known as Basalt that can be up to several feet thick. Feldspar crystals can be found in the Basalt that covers sunstone deposits. Red labradorite or andesine, to our knowledge, has never been PROVEN to have been found anywhere in the world outside of Oregon. Calling red labradorite “Sunstone” is confusing because there are several other non related adventurescent gemstones from India and Tanzania being called sunstone. We use the name Oregon Sunstone to describe the translucent adventurescent / schiller labradorite / andesine containing light reflecting native copper platelets.

Contact Us

Red Labradorite sunstone

Spectrum Sunstone Mine is open daily to the public for a free sunstone dig and a variety of other high-grade sunstone fee digs, from May 15th - October 15th (keep all you find) .  Click here for more information on the Spectrum Sunstone Mine digs and click here for a MAPChris and  are available to take your phone call or text message:  775-772-7724 .  Please check out our information on digging for Oregon Sunstones at the following link: Dig Gemstones.




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